
Saturday, January 12, 2013

Science at Home

The kiddos I watch love to do science experiments.  Especially the 6 year old.  I am always looking up stuff to try on Pinterest and the internet.  Last week I found a very simple one I decided to try.

All I needed was
  • baking soda
  • small cups
  • vinegar
  • food coloring
  • a pan
  • medicine droppers
We already had all these things so I was ready to go!

Just pour baking soda into any size/shape/material pan.  I used a round, metal, cake pan.  Then, get a few dixie cups, fill them with vinegar, and add food coloring.  Lastly, give each child a medicine dropper and let them experiment!

They were amazed at the reaction!

"Is it going to explode?"

They had lots of fun mixing the colors too! "Red and blue make purple". I would highly recommend this fun and easy science experiment for anyone and their kiddos :)

"Mom?!...I mean Kim??"

I can say for certain that I get called "mom" more than the avergage "non-mom".  If that makes sense...People just always assume I am the kiddos mommy! Sorry, but I am a bit young (at least in my opinion) to have a 6 year old and a 3 year old.  I get "mom" at the grocery store, gymnastics, school drop off/pick up, library, mall, etc.  The kids even slip up and call me "mom" at least a few times daily. 

This bring me to another point in "nanny life".  Now, I don't know many other nannies, so I don't ever really get to talk about my job with other "co-workers".  It is also odd because there are no real rules in the nanny world.  By this I mean, one nanny may have to do lots of chores, errands, and extra stuff while another nanny may just have to watch and care for the kids.  If there are any other nannies out there reading this, what are your thoughts?  Should the nanny only be in charge of the kids safety and happiness? Or should they be responsible for things like grocery shopping, laundry, cleaning, etc?

My opinion...if it job is to do whatever the parent(s) want me to do! I am their employee.  If my boss wants me to do clean out the junk drawer, sort the kid's clothing, do laundry, return stuff to Target, stop at the liquor store, send birthday cards, bake cookies for a school party, wrap the Christmas presents, and order a cake at Giant Eagle, that is fine by me.  (I have been asked to do all those things and DO NOT mind it :)  I would be very curious to hear what other people (nanny or not) think about this!

Speaking of baking...While at work I noticed a box of Fruity Cheerios that had been in the cabinet for at least 5 months now.  I also noticed a bag of mini marshmellows...I got an idea!

I decided to try a spin on the classic rice krispy treats.  It should work just the same with Fruity Cheerios right?! did!! Same recipe, only swap the Cheerios for Rice Krispies.  I actually liked them even better :) Got me thinking of all the other cereal possibilities.  Kix, Fruity Pebbles, Cinnamon Toast Crunch, Corn Pops, Special K (to be healthy), Cocoa Puffs, Lucky Charms, Trix...I could go on forever...


Saturday, January 5, 2013

Date Night

After my tonsillectomy a few weeks ago, I did nothing but lay on the couch, eat mushy food, and watch Netflix.  I was getting BORED! Last night the hubby and I made it out for our first date night in quite a while :)

A lot of our "dates" start or end at PetLand... We love looking at and playing with the puppies.  After some shoe shopping, we ended up at a nearby PetLand where we played with the cutest puppy ever!!
It was a miniature dachshund puppy. 10 weeks old.
If it hadn't been $1,500 we would have ended the date right there and had a new friend to take home.

Instead we said good-bye and went to one of the best places ever for dinner...Olive Garden!  I am still a little bit limited on what I can eat but I just love their soup and salad.  My favorite is the minestrone.  Add in a margarita and I am one happy gal :)

While eating the salad though, I noticed something that drove me crazy!! I don't know how I never noticed it before...The forks only have three prongs! It just looks so weird. A fork should have four prongs!

I was able to get past the silly looking forks and we had a very nice evening :)

The hubby enjoying his soup!
Tonight I will be working for a few hours to give Mr. and Mrs. a date night of their own.  They are going out with some friends so I get to watch their friend's kids too! I get to make dinner for a 1 year old, 2 year old, 3 year old, and 6 year.  AND I get to put them all to bed before mommies and daddies get home.  Once again, just call me "SuperNanny" :)  Should be a fun evening.

Tomato Tomado, Potato Cauliflower?

Mashed Cauliflower 

About 2 1/2 weeks ago, I had a tonsillectomy.  Not the most fun thing to do over Christmas break, but it needed done.  I was pretty much limited to eating mush for a solid 2 weeks.  I ate lots of pudding, jello, yogurt, ice cream, smoothies, and popsicles.  I was getting sick of all the sweet food though.  I did some mashed potatoes, but they have just never been my favorite.  For the longest time I have wanted to make mashed cauliflower and now I had the perfect reason! 

I am just about back to normal eating, but I am still eating the mashed cauliflower almost daily!  There are a lot of different ways you can spice it up.  It doesn't get much healthier or low cal than cauliflower. 

All you really need to make it is
  • Cauliflower (raw or frozen)
  • A knife
  • A way to steam it (steamer, pot of water, steamer bag it comes in)
  • A blender or food processor
I prefer using raw, but the frozen steamer bags are easier

Cut it all up into small pieces, rinse, and place in steamer

I microwaved for about 14 minutes.  This was for the whole head of cauliflower.

Ninja!! Love this thing! I think it's easier to use the single
serve cup and blade.

 How easy is that?! You can add things like milk, sour cream, cottage cheese, some stock, or butter to make it creamier, but I think it is super creamy just plain.  You can also add garlic, salt, pepper, chives, oregano, or any sort of seasoning you can think of.  Most of the time I just sprinkle some salt on pepper on it.  It makes a great side to pretty much any meal.

I also love it with a little fat free gravy.  
Add some fat free sour cream and some ranch powder mix.
Sprinkle on some of your favorite cheese.
I am a vegetarian but I am sure it would be great with some bacon bits, sour cream, cheese, and chives.  Loaded baked cauliflower! I will have to test that out on my husband, the carnivore! 

Thursday, January 3, 2013

And The Award Goes To...

Over Thanksgiving my husband and I sold our house and bought a new one! We absolutely love it! However, it is quite a bit more expensive.  We looked for ways to save money and decided not having cable would be a great way.  We are saving about $120 a month! Since we have no cable, I have been watching Netflix A LOT! I also have done quite a few Redbox rentals.  I decided to compose a list of my favorite TV shows and movies that I watched this past year.  They are not all made in 2012, but that is when I watched them.  I would love more suggestions of shows and movies available on instant Netflix :) In no particular order...

Best TV Shows

Michael!! Oh goodness...This would have to be  my all time favorite!
Sooo creepy!

Ahh Dexter...How can you not love this serial killer?!

JACK!! There is just something about him.

Never thought I would love a show about zombies so much!!

 Best Movies

Such a great concept! Makes you wonder what you would do!

Bridesmaids. Watched this after my wedding. HILARIOUS!
Gerard Butler...YUM! Loved the premise of this movie.

Took the kiddos to see this one.  So cute!
Rapunzel reminds me of myself. Long blonde hair :)
Jim even got me a Tangled ornament for Christmas!

21 Jump Street. Soo funny. Channing Tatum sure is easy on the eyes.
Avengers! Iron Man is by far the best superhero. Such a great sense of humor :)

So there are my favorites.  Of course I watched many others, but these take the cake.  I also watched some that were...not so great...

Rotten Tomatoes

Jessica Biel...BIG disappointment...
Couldn't even finish it. I usually love Nicolas Cage!
Soo bad on soo many levels...
So, that's it! Would love more suggestions of things to watch.  Also, if you agree or disagree on anything.

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Modern Day Mary Poppins

I have been called "SuperNanny" on more than one occasion.  I get "Mary Poppins" quite often too!  I figured I would give a quick explanation of my job for those who don't know much about it already.

I work for a college professor so I am on "Winter Break" right now.  I will have lots of stories to write about once I go back to work. Trust me!!  I do work full time.  At least 40 hours a week as well as occasional date nights for Mr. and Mrs.  Sometimes when I tell people I am a nanny, they assume that I only work a few hours a week.  People also often assume that I am just doing this until I can find "something better" or "more professional".  That drives me crazy! I chose to be a nanny.  Even though I have my teaching degree, I do not plan on using it any time soon.  I LOVE my job :)

People also figure I just play with play-doh, color, watch movies, go to the zoo, play at the park, and eat gold fish and mac & cheese. Well, that part is kind of true!! Ha, I do have a lot of fun at my job, but there is also sooo much responsibility!! I know everyone has responsibilites at their job, but I have two lives in my care. It makes me very aware of how I act, what I say, how I drive, and basically everything that I do.  I have noticed that they pick up on every little thing I say and do.  I like to think that I will have a lasting impression on their lives :)

One of my favorite things to do with the kiddos is bake!

I love setting up a cookie decorating table so the kids can just go crazy!

Some peanut butter blossoms we made at Christmas time!

We also play board games a lot!! And NO, I do not just let the kids win.  Ha, they need to learn how to be a good loser too.  I will admit though, the 6 year old beats me most of the time...

Classic games!!

Yes, I do have lots and lots fun at work! Although I have my share of "poopy" days at work.  And I say that literally!! Don't worry, I will not go into detail...use your imagination.  I know that this job is preparing me for when I have my own children :) Stay tuned for some fun stories!