
Friday, May 31, 2013

No more workout funk!

For a while, a long while, I have been in a workout funk! All i would do everyday was cardio cardio cardio! An excessive amount. ED played a huge role in my workout choices! He is still in my head when it comes to exercise but he is much quieter :)

I am beginning to actually believe I don't have to be the skinniest anymore! I want to be strong and healthy and whatever size my body should be. Love this new tank top! Wearing it today for positive thinking.

I am learning that I don't need to workout for 2 hours a day, or even everyday for that matter. Don't get me wrong, I do enjoy a good workout and do it most days. But I have wasted a lot of time and missed out on other fun things because I had to work out!!
I am doing a few 5k races this summer so I have been trying to run a few times a week. I used to be able to run an hour no problem! I am improving though!

This is where I have to be careful to not over do it. Normally I would just run longer, regardless of if my body was telling me "STOP!". When I feel pain or get a bad cramp I just stop!

I got new fancy shoes which always makes running more fun!

I also ran into this little cutie at the track near my house! I stopped to pet him, luckily he was friendly :)

Besides running I of course still swim...a lot... I really do love my early morning swim.

I know what your thinking... That sounds like a lot of cardio! Well I recently purchased these fun new toys!

Kettle bells are much more fun than weights! At least in my opinion. I have been watching youtube videos to learn cool moves.  

Satchmo enjoys the box they came in.

I have to work on getting some strong arms because I just registered for this Gladiator Race

My good runner/swimmer friend found an awesome deal on Groton. Super excited!

So even though I still favor cardio, I am trying to incorporate other exercises as well! Gotta mix it up a bit!

Have a great Friday :)

Thursday, May 30, 2013

Just a typical work day

For anyone that may not know, I am a nanny and I LOVE my job! I love that I get to be outdoors an do lots of fun stuff. This was our day yesterday.

My day starts pretty early. Older kids quickly off to school so it's just me and a 4 year old. She loooves blueberries so we decided to make muffins for breakfast. 

Kids love to measure, pour, and mix things! They also love to taste test. Curious little creatures! 

We tasted blueberries. Yup, they were good!

In the muffin pan they go.

And done! Soo they LOOK good...but sadly they weren't that great. Very dry, dense, and didn't rise up well.

Random Pinterest recipe fail! Oh well. Onto the next activity. Car wash!!

We did my car first and then onto the little red cars.

Kids love playing with a hose and getting wet! 

After lunch and a nap it was time for the big kids to come home. The high was about 90 so we hurried off to the pool :)

Not a bad way to spend a day at work right?!

Wednesday, May 29, 2013


I wanted to make a post something that is a very big part of my life. I would love to say that it is out of life, but unfortunately it isn't completely. Some may know of it as ED. Eating Disorder. I would often joke about trying to break up or divorce ED! I would like to say now that I am "seeing much less of ED".

 Some quick background...It all started when I was about 16. Lost a few pounds after joining the cross country team, guess I liked it, took it to the extreme. I have been all over the ED spectrum. I wont go into too many details but at times my weight was scary low.  My diet would consist of basically fruits and vegetables, NO fat, little carb, and nothing that tasted at all yummy! Add into that a workout obsession and you have a recipe for disaster.  Any who... At the end of January I decided to get help....REAL help!  As hard as I tried, I just couldn't do it on  my own.  I did a lot of research and decided to go to Florida to a treatment center called Milestones.

It was super scary of course.  I basically had to put my whole life on hold. I quit my job, had to miss some special events, and put Jim in charge of paying the bills!  But I am so glad I did it.  I would recommend this place to anyone who is struggling with any kind of ED.  I had the idea in my head that I had to be crazy skinny and on my death bed to go to treatment.  NOT true.  There were people of all shapes, sizes, gender, age, race.  Without getting to know them, you would have noooo idea they were struggling.  

I ended up staying for about 45 days.  The time went really fast and really slow at the same time.  I learned how to relax more and take time for myself.  Journaling was a big thing there.  

I might have to remind you that I was in Florida in January!!! Meaning there was lots of snow back home! I did love the weather. 

I really did learn a new lifestyle.  I was putting so much effort into NOT eating.  After leaving Milestones I learned that you have to put a lot of effort into eating.  I was taught a lot of food prep, always making sure you have snacks with you when you might be out for a while, and planning ahead.  "I didn't have time to eat" or "I wasn't hungry" were not acceptable excuses.  I was given a specific food plan and taught that it was like a prescription.  It is what my body needs.  You may not always feel like taking your medicine but you know you have to.  Sometimes it makes  you feel kinda nauseous or tired, or doesn't always taste great, but you need it.  

We did get to do some fun things too.  Like beach walks.  No running was allowed... But it was beautiful!

We stayed in an apartment complex.  It was like "real life".  We went grocery shopping, prepared our own food, did our laundry, had roommates...the whole deal.  It was not hospital like at all! The place had a nice pool and club house where we could hang out on weekends. 

We would go to a center daily where we had sessions, meals, art, journaling, all kinds of recovery things!! The center was also very nice!!

This is where we got to relax during breaks. So peaceful!

So long story short...Am I cured??? No...Am I getting better? YES.  I work hard every day to get closer and closer to that healthy lifestyle.  Everything in moderation.  That includes food and working out.  I am trying to find that balance.  I want to eat healthy but also want to be able to indulge at times and enjoy some of the yummy foods that are out there! Regardless of how much fat they may have in them!!  I will probably be referencing ED at times in future blogs.  I have been following others who have dealt with the same and it is hopeful to hear their successes! 

Feel free to ask any questions!

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Weekend Celebrations!

Even though the weather wasn't exactly the best outdoor picnic/pool/BBQ weather. The hubby and I were still able to have a very nice and somewhat productive weekend. I even helped mow the grass!!! And I actually enjoyed it!

It was a very special weekend and some of you may know?! Memorial Day?! Yes that is a very important day but there was another reason to celebrate??

Jim's 28th Birthday!!

I think Sathmo wanted to give him a birthday kiss... Or lick...

Jim's birthday was Monday, but like any 28 year old, it was a birthday Weekend! His main "gift" was a trip to the casino!

We had a nice lunch down at the Casino and strategized for our blackjack game.

No pictures allowed at the blackjack tables but I will tell you there would not have been many pictures of lots of money... Or lots of poker chips :(

Sooo... We lost all our money!! I had fun and think Jim did too. It was my first time playing blackjack and even though I didn't win big I would do it again.

We went for a nice free walk. We were out of money after all. Pittsburgh was looking beautiful!

We saw the cutest little family of geese! 

FYI do not try to pet the babies! They will bite you! I just couldn't resist, they were soo fluffy!

I was all excited that I actually wore something other than jeans! I have so many cute skirts and dresses but never wear them. Here is proof! No hoodie and jeans for this day. Well jean jacket, but that's different.

I felt a bit like an awful wife by not slaving over a home-made birthday cake... But I did go to Giant Eagle and buy him a yummy little Oreo one :)

Happy Birthday Jim!!!

What was the BEST birthday gift you ever got??

Friday, May 24, 2013

My First Garden

I finally did it! I planted a vegetable garden. Every spring I say I am going to, but never do.  This year I finally did! Ok... I did have a great deal of help from my dad and husband, Jim. Especially with getting the plot ready. Thanks guys :)

Ready for planting! I did help some with digging up all the grass, roots, etc. in my defense i had just knocked a chair over on my toes so i was wounded! I did make sure the boys were hydrated while working in the hot sun.

The planting part was fun! And much easier. My dad even bought me a little purple hoe. Ha, he didn't realize it was a kid's hoe when he bought it, but I love it.

Jim put in the tomato plants. There were lots of big rocks to break through.

I put in the zucchini plant. It's hiding behind the tomatoes. 

Next is two pepper plants and a cucumber plant.

Then I did a few rows of carrot and radish seeds. I heard these are tough to grow but they are two of my favorite veggies so i wanted to try anyway.

We found strawberry plants at the local garden center and thought they would be fun to try to. They got planted in the flower bed.

Lastly, my lettuce pot. I have done this before and is very easy. Almost impossible to mess up. ALMOST! Ha

I will admit i often kill plants :( I tend to neglect them and forget to water them... Not this time though! I am determined!!

Wish me luck!!

Wednesday, May 22, 2013



I stumbled across this survey on another blog and thought it might be interesting! Here goes:

a: age

I'm 27 but will be 28 June 1! I feel more like I should be turning 18! Oh well, would rather look and feel young :)

b: bed size

I share a queen with my husband and puggle sadie

Can you say spolied??!

c: chore you dislike

Laundry. Yuck. It is never ending! And dont even get me starte with the ironing... I just wear my clothes wrinkly

d: dogs

I have the best and craziest puggle ever. Sadie! Such a snuggle puggle.

e: essential to your day

Sadly a workout! I love it but need to be able to skip a day here and there. Usually i go for an early morning swim at the gym.

f: favourite color

Pink! The brighter the better

g: gold or silver

Absolutely silver. I told my husband when we were talking about engagment rings that if he got me gold i would say "no"!

h: height

Just about 5.7"

i: interesting fact

I can jump rope on a pogo stick! It is pretty amazing

j: job title

Full time nanny. Went to school to be a teacher. Even if i was offered a job tomorrow, i would keep my job :)

k: kids

Working on that 😉

l: live

Pittsburgh pennsylvania-recently moved back to my childhood town and love it! Cant wait to raise kids right where i grew up.

m: mom's name


n: nicknames

Kimmy, Kiber, Little mermaid.

o: overnight hospital stays

Just once. Crazy high fever and got badly dehydrated. NO FUN

p: pet peeves

1. Rude cashiers

2. When people say "your so skinny, you should eat a cheeseburger" i would never say "your so fat, maybe lay off the donuts?!" Grrr

q: quote from a movie

Oh thats tough! Would have to be from Forest Gump... 

"I just felt like running!"

r: righty or lefty


s: sibling

One sister lori who lives in texas

t: time you wake up

During the week, 5:27. Odd I know but I have my morning routine timed out perfectly. Gets me in the pool at 6. Weekends i TRY to sleep in. Usually up by 8.

u: underwear

Must be comfortable!

v: vegetables you don't like

Not a big fan of celery. I hate the little stringy part. Only way I will eat it is smothered with peanut butter or cream cheese

w: what makes you run late

Nothing! I am always early, sometimes abnoxiously early. Only thing would maybe be traffic or accident. Something blocking my way!

x: x-rays you've had

Of course teeth at the dentist. Chest, toe, wrist, head... But nothing ever broken!

y: yummy food you make

I am an awesome cookie baker. My parents do own a bakery so I learned that from an early age. I love trying new cookie flavors

z: zoo animal favourite

Probably penguins. So silly looking when they waddle.

Have a wonderful day!!